Experience the wisdom of manufacturing all the power of interconnection


With the wave of global scientific and technological innovation, China has entered a new track of innovation-driven development. Since the 18th National Congress of the People's Republic of China, the state has continuously laid forward a number of strategic emerging industries development plans, and has introduced major countries such as "Made in China 2025" and "Internet +" strategy. "Intelligent manufacturing" as the information industry and traditional industries integration of new forms, to accelerate the restructuring and transformation of traditional industries, leading the Chinese manufacturing to China to create.
2017 years during the Beijing Science and Technology Week activities, located in the first floor of the West Hall of intelligent manufacturing exhibition area Zhongguancun Zhizheng Avenue by virtue of its own intelligent manufacturing innovation in the strong resource advantages for the children to design a unique intelligent manufacturing as the theme of science and technology experience Brigade, innovation discovery trip. The future will further integrate the streets of enterprise resources, promote enterprise linkage, service flow, resource sharing, to achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation.





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